Clearing the mind is one of the mindfulness practices that not many people realize to be very effective in managing stress and minimizing anxiety.
Clearing the mind means getting rid of disturbing negative thoughts that can have a bad impact on your mental and physical health. In addition, you can also provide more energy to focus your mind on your goal.
Clearing your mind doesn’t completely make your brain stop thinking, but instead shifts your focus to one particular goal and gets rid of the other negative thoughts that may hinder your productivity.
So you know better about the importance of practicing clearing your mind, here are some other benefits of clearing your mind that you can get!
1. Reducing Stress
Piles of work and tasks that must be done can be a source of stress.
Generally stress due to work arises because you are faced with constant pressures and demands that are not following your abilities or capacities.
One of the ways you can control and deal with stress is to clear your mind and shift your focus. Occasionally emptying your mind can help your brain to rest.
That way you can reduce negative thoughts that cause stress.
Even though the human brain will never stop working, controlling your mind can help you calm yourself, your heart, and your mind.
2. Provide Better Problem Solving
When the mind is clear, your brain will start to think freely.
Thus encouraging the brain to remember previously recorded memories and to explore more things. Remembering lots of previous memories and exploring further, makes it easier for you to find creative ideas that will help you solve problems.
This is evidenced by a study conducted by UC Berkeley. This research says that when someone is daydreaming, a lot of brain activity is actually detected.
3. Improves Focus
Still in line with the previous point, clearing your mind can help you improve your focus.
Once in a while, you must have experienced losing focus in the middle of doing a job. To overcome this loss of focus, you can try to clear your mind for a moment.
Put aside thoughts that disturb your focus, and make your brain focus on one thing only, that way you can think better to get a job done.
4. Increase Productivity
It may sound strange that clearing one’s mind will increase one’s productivity.
Clearing your mind can increase your productivity if done correctly and precisely. As we have explained above, clearing your mind can improve focus.
If your focus is maintained while completing a job, then the work will be completed faster. Getting things done faster means you have more time.
Thus, you can immediately finish other work and make your time management more efficient.
5. Stimulates All Parts of The Brain
The brain is divided into several parts, each of which has its own duties and functions. One of the ultimate benefits when you clear your mind properly, is to train your brain to work better.
But do remember that clearing your mind will also harm you if done inappropriately.
If you were trying to solve a problem, but all you did was clearing your mind for hours, instead of coming up with creative ideas or getting you to be more focused, what will happen is you only waste time by procrastinating.
How to Clear The Mind Before Sleeping?
Clearing the mind can be done effectively before going to bed.
This is important to increase your sleep quality and ensure you can wake up fresher the next morning. Here are the ultimate tips that can help you clear your mind before sleeping.
Finish All Activities Before Sleeping
If before going to sleep your brain is still actively working, or there are things that you remember you forgot to do – it could be the ultimate reason you are unable to have a good quality of sleep.
Your mind will be cluttered by all of these, making you unable to rest completely. Therefore, it is important to finish all the work that must be completed before going to bed.
Then give yourself some quiet time before sleeping.
To clear your mind effectively, you should give yourself a little time after finishing your last activity before going to bed.
Within that time frame, try not to do any activities at all. You can turn off your cell phone so you can try to feel calm before going to sleep.
During the quiet time, you can start clearing your mind by visualizing things. You can imagine all things that can make your feelings and thoughts peaceful and calm.
For example, there are certain places that can make you feel calm, such as being at the beach.
Focus all your energy and mind on visualizing the beach, the sound of the waves, and the sands on your toes. Do this until finally your mind has begun to calm down, and feel peaceful.
To improve your clearing mind practice, you can purchase a diffuser and essential oil to make your room smell heavenly.
Utilizing diffusers and essentials oil can do wonders to calm your mind and improve your sleep quality.
This is because these two things can help to promote relaxation and help a person to sleep more soundly. For more affordable spending, you can purchase essential oils and diffusers easily at online e-commerce.
Nowadays shopping online is much more efficient to do because you can make your purchase with a swipe of your fingers!